Weather on summer times in Lisbon
The average temperature reaches a scorching 27°C (approximately 81°F), with temperatures seldom falling below 18°C (about 63°F). In July, the lowest temperature ever recorded was 13°C.
The average temperature reaches a scorching 27°C (approximately 81°F), with temperatures seldom falling below 18°C (about 63°F). In July, the lowest temperature ever recorded was 13°C.
Lisbon should be your holiday destination due to being a capital that gets the most sunshine in Europe and it can be visited during all four seasons.
Portugues fires in opinion of local people. A short interview with one Portuguese friend.
How real is it in Portugal nowadays... Unfortunately, the climate is changing all over the world, here too. It is a fact that the Sun is not missing neither in winter nor in summer, but the difference of temperatures is even worse.
When you visit Lisbon in the winter, you get the best of both worlds. All of the amazing sites in one of Europe's most popular cities, but for a lower price and with fewer people.